Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What I thought of the Web 2.0 course

I'm thankful of what I have learnt from the course and very appreciative of Melissa and Mark's efforts at the City of Swan for running it. I have learnt so much. Many aspects of Web 2.0 technology I may not again find a use for but it is I think important to understand what is out there and how it works.

We are fortunate to have a number of people at our libraries who are interested in the new technology and keen on discovering ways of using it for the betterment of the Library service.

Personally I found the course interesting but the requirement to post on 5 blogs each week a bit time consuming and tedious. Maybe the number of posts required could be reduced in the future. This is just a minor quibble and overshadowed by the many good things about the course.


  1. Fully agree with the number of blog posts we had to post. Would have benefited a lot more from more 'forced' practice with other Web2 aspects

  2. I agree with you about the five blog posts each week:)

  3. I feel the 5 blogs is a bit much also. Just trying to fit the training in was difficult enough.

  4. Research has found that Web 2.0 training participants who got most from the programme regularly read and commented on other participants' blogs. (Source: Library & Information Update November 2009).

  5. I can't agree with you more your comment wrt the requirement of 5 blogs per week. I have limited access to Internet facility as I depand totally on the free Internet service offered by public libraries! Thank God I managed to complete the 10-lesson course with encouragement from blogger friends!

  6. Congratulations on finishing all the requirements for the course. Perhaps you will put some more posts including some photos when you return from Cambodia.

  7. I can see what you mean about having to make 5 comments per week. Some weeks it was easy as I felt I had something to say but other weeks I really felt I was just making up a quota. I imagine the point of it was to encourage us to be interactive and share our thoughts, which is a large part of the Web 2.0 thing.

  8. The 5 comments per week quota should have been easily reached, but I found also that just having time to sit and write my own blog entry was difficult. Perhaps it has more to do with the timing of the course, with many staff away on holidays everything has felt very pressured at work.

  9. I totally agree with everyones comments on the 5 blog posts. I found that the most time consuming plus you forget how many comments you have actually made.
