Friday, December 3, 2010

Social Notworking for me

I can't see myself becoming too involved in social networks such as facebook and twitter. I am impressed by their power and the fact that  f*** millions of people use them, as the presentation What the F*** is Social Media NOW rammed down my throat f*** a thousand times, but they're not for me (or Prince) it seems. This may change. I'm sure if a member of my family was travelling and they wanted to communicate through facebook and show photos etc then I'd be in, but at the moment the day is too short to be spending more time in front of a computer. I'll be travelling soon but I won't be tweeting or using facebook but if others wish to communicate that way then that's great. Maybe library staff can tweet to me in Cambodia from their library team meeting. Probably won't happen.

This doesn't mean that I'm not interested in them as a networking tool for the Library. Obviously they enable us to reach out to more people. We can tweet messages to people, let them know of events etc. On the other hand, at the moment I can't see myself tweeting other professionals. I've read some of the Librarian tweets and not too much seems that useful to me and I still don't understand the point of people tweeting at Conferences. I find it petty annoying having someone next to me hammering away on a laptop and to be honest would rather have someone knitting next to me but if there is a point to this tweeting it would be good to know. At the moment I see more of a point to the knitting at a Conference.

I've followed some tweets of a few well known people in the library world and some seem no different to those of bored celebrities (eg Warney), with way too much time on their hands.

It's also downright annoying when you're watching a live television show and inane tweets are appearing on the bottom of your tv screen. So at the moment tweetings not for me but that's not to say I can't be persuaded the other way. Maybe all we need is an earthquake for people like myself to change their minds.


  1. I totally agree with your comments about tweeting:) Maybe you could should come along and join the knitting club!!

  2. Yeah i don't get twitter I tried it once and it looked too confusing. I do like Facebook though and use it quite a bit.

  3. I did like the fake tweets that appeared on screen during the last Chaser series.

    How do you feel about knitters on twitter?

  4. During last year's Iranian uprising twitter became a VERY interesting read. Apparently people in other countries were setting up secure IP's so that the Iranian people could get the information out. The government was posting one story, and people were posting others... it was pandemonium, and an almost instantaneous account of what was happening. Much better than the news, since news crews were not being allowed in, or were being censored. People everywhere turned their profile pictures to green in support. You really felt connected and like you were there, or at least helping.

  5. I think there is definitely some junk, but some good stuff to be found on there too...

  6. Thanks for that interesting bit of information "Talis est Vita". It seems like with all the Web 2.0 stuff it's not so much the technology but how we use it. I guess when tv was introduced it was the same. 90% rubbish, 10% fantastic.

  7. Ah, so true re 90% rubbish. I think that the hard thing is sifting through all that inane chit chat to find tweets of substance. Thank goodness for hash tags!

  8. Oh yes twittering is for for me, there are not enought hours in day for me th waste!
