Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A break from Cambodia

It's difficult to fit Cambodia and travel into this post if I follow the guidelines of the course. Before I start thanks to all those who sent me advice I got concerning my angst at facing the monkeys in Cambodia. On one travel website someone recommended taking four water bottles to the temples, one for yourself and the rest for the more aggressive monkeys.

Onto the course. I learnt a fair bit about wikis this week. I didn't know that all information supplied to Wikipedia needs to be referenced so that it can be checked out. In other words most entries are probably taken from books or journals.

I did think some of the Library wikis looked useful such as Blogging Libraries Wiki or the one about best practice in Libraries.

I also liked the idea of using wikis for our own purposes as a great device for sharing information. Maybe a brainstorm on things we wish to include in next years budget would be useful. Planning anything as a group could be aided by using wikis.

When searching for Wikis on monkeys I found a Wiki site called Wikia and it had an entry about a character called Lord Monkey Fist who studies Tai Shing Pek Kwar, or Monkey Kung Fu.
Another bit of useless information. Maybe back to Cambodia next week.

1 comment:

  1. I too can see how wikis could be helpful in a group meeting kind of way, we're lucky here in that everyone's thought can be gathered with a quick whip around the workroom on any given day. However, with a larger number of staff something like a wiki could be great. There has been thoughts floated here about some kind of online 'procedure manual' for those little quirks of the job here.
